3 HOUR TOUR (AKA Hot Garbage) - Submission took 2 hours 59 minutes to "create"

Controls: Mouse and left click 

End of experience is when you have fire. Takes about 3 seconds, so I think I've stayed with the theme. lawl

About "game": 3 Hour Tour (Only 3) was a reference to Gilligan's Island. Game was supposed have a short active dialog about being stranded on a tiny island on a boat tour gone wrong, with only an axe, a match, and one tree (3 items) on the island.

About project: This is my first game jam (3 Hour Game Jam), and I guess my first "officially created" game, but it's not anything I was hoping it would be. I still managed to finish off a very... very short experience, but this was supposed to be somewhat of a survival clicker. Click the tree to get wood to keep the fire going, plant a crop next to you, the tree would regrow with seeds you got from said tree, more stuff would happen. I guess I'm happy I was able to come up with an experience in 3 hours. :D

I worked by myself. I'm new to game creation, so just wanted a little experience with "pressure". I was fighting up until the last few minutes just to get some music and sound integrated.

This is hot garbage, but I'm happy to just have done "something".

Thanks for the opportunity! Learned a lot about time expectations.

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